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We are very pleased to confirm the following plenary speakers gave fantastic talks!

Professor Fritz Vollrath, University of Oxford

Professor Yael Lubin, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Dr. Alistair McGregor, University of Oxford Brookes

Dr. Cristina Tuni, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich

30th European Congress of Arachnology
August 20th-25th 2017
University of Nottingham
Thank you to everyone who came to this meeting! We really enjoyed hosting you in Nottingham!
Please read on for information about the Congress Proceedings:

We would like to remind those who attended the 30th European Congress of Arachnology in Nottingham that the congress proceedings will be published in vol. 55 of "Arachnologische Mitteilungen/Arachnology Letters". Everybody who presented a talk/poster is invited to submit a manuscript.


We have a new deadline for manuscript submission of December 15th, 2017.

The volume will be completed in March and be published in April. PDF-files of accepted papers will be available online from January 2018 onward.

Please see the latest proceeding volume that is available online at:

Instructions to authors can be found here: or here

The website of the journal has been relaunched and therefore some English texts might not be seen yet.

Arachnologische Mitteilungen/Arachnology Letters is an open-access and peer reviewed journal, with no fee for publishing. As of 2018, the journal will be joining BioOne. We hope this will help us to acquire an SCI (impact factor) in few years. Scimago calculates the IF analogous to Thomson Reuters, there we have 0.514 (

Please submit your manuscripts either to Dmitri Logunov ( or to Sara Goodacre (, who are the guest editors of the conference volume.

Robin Hood spider logo © Michelle Strickland 2017
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